Sunday, March 27, 2011


The beanie ray had many... Interesting... side effects. I have had my scientists look at the weapon and they have dubbed that it has exactly 672 different settings, all of which are unmarked (my chief engineer is going to get it...) so until I have identified each setting everytime I fire something completely random happens. So far I have identified waffle batter and a beanie baby setting. I will sort this contraption out one way or another...

1 comment:

  1. Feel free to borrow a few of my test-kittens if you still need a test subject.

    Even though we're mortal enemies it's the supervillain bro code that we make sure our fellow supervillain's weapons are properly tested.

    We wouldn't want you to fire the deathray at me without knowing what it does. I would assume you would expect the same from me.

    Lets just hope one of those random settings doesn't end the world as we know it, k?
