Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Death ray test 4

I KNEW IT!!! I set my death ray to a random setting, fired it at a penguin, and a blast of heat incinerated it!!! I knew his thing had a heat ray setting!!! Now that it is marked-- apparently one of my minions behind said penguin was incinerated as well... Foolish minion. Anyways, if there is a heat ray then there is a freeze ray. Three settings down, 669 to go MWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!

Spreading chaos

Mwahahhhaha!!!! As many of you may know, next week is spring break. I will be stowing away with a church group, and I will be spreading my chaos throughout California. I shall visit Disneyland, knotts berry farm, but most importantly, Medievel Times. There will be video footage. Victory will be mine MWAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


The beanie ray had many... Interesting... side effects. I have had my scientists look at the weapon and they have dubbed that it has exactly 672 different settings, all of which are unmarked (my chief engineer is going to get it...) so until I have identified each setting everytime I fire something completely random happens. So far I have identified waffle batter and a beanie baby setting. I will sort this contraption out one way or another...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Beanie Ray test 1

Hahaha the device is created!!! I have tested it on a squirrell, but unfortunately, it was transformed into a penguin. Modifications have been made, and test 2 will be conducted shortly

Monday, March 21, 2011

weapon prototype

I have created a device. a very diabolical device. I call it: the Beanie Ray 1000. it transforms any animal into a small bean filled replica of its self. i shall begin testing immidately MWAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!
~~end transmission